Wednesday, October 2, 2013

EP is Moving Along Better Than Expected

Despite the personnel changes at the Ministry, the new director has taken the new assignment well and she hardly has slowed down the EP approvals.  I have heard some good things about her, and hope that she will continue to give hope.  The approvals are continuing, and the family court dates are continuing to be assigned, and families are making travel arrangements.

While it is still highly doubtful the Ministry can meet the quota set for the year 2013, it appears that the Ministry is trying to do what it can despite the big roadblock ahead that will certain to slow them down when they move to Sejong City.

On another note, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea has ruled that the Baby Box in Korea does not violate human rights and the facility is legal.  Apparently a complaint was filed by an activist adoptee to the National Human Rights Commission, hoping they would rule against the Baby Box.  But to her dismay the Commission ruled against her and stated that it does not violate human rights, but instead the actions taken by the Baby Box is in upholding human rights by protecting the children.


  1. what a great news! Thanks Steve!!

  2. Thank you so very much for keeping all of us waiting families informed, whether it be good news or bad.

  3. Thank you! So appreciate your updates and that is great about the Baby Box. I agree that it is upholding human rights by protecting children.

  4. We heard from our agency this week that our file is being requested for translation by the agency in Korea. It sounds like they're anticipating submitting our file to the MOHW by the end of 2013, which of course they can't guarantee will happen nor can they guarantee that we'll make it into the 2013 quota. Anyway, we were matched in November 2012 so I just wanted to share with all the other waiting families that there seems to be some movement!
