Korean Government’s Dramatic Announcement to Help Aged-Out Orphans
The Korean government made a dramatic announcement on July 13, 2021, on their plan to support the aged-out orphans by increasing the emancipation age limit from 18 to 24. Having realized the great sufferings by the youths, the Korean government stated that the health and welfare of these youth is the responsibility of the government.

Vice Minister Yang Sung-il of the Ministry of Health and Welfare making the dramatic announcement with a sign language interpreter in action.
The announcement was welcomed by all, especially those
organizations that have for years advocated for such needs by being voices for
the aged-out orphans. Sunhan Mission,
Brothers Keepers, Love Beyond the Orphanage, and the Oak Tree Project are few
of many organizations that have sprung up in recent years giving voices to such
youths. Great thanks to these organizations that have been instrumental in
making greater awareness by public with increased media coverages that have
helped to elevate the public awareness of such problems.
Each year there are approximately 2500 aged-out orphans
leaving their respective institutions in Korea when they turn 18. And most of
these orphans are unprepared to face the world.
They have been dependent on their orphanage care for most of their lives.
They lived with what they were given without having to earn anything or work
towards the goals of any kind. Aging-out and being emancipated from orphanage
systems require independent living where they must make decisions on their
own. They must fend for themselves to
find living arrangements, get jobs, or get educated. Most of them do not fare well, as they suffer
the pressure to survive in the real world where they must look out for
themselves. Many boys turn to crime and girls
to prostitution. The result of this is
that there are many unwanted pregnancies where the young mothers abandon or
relinquish their babies for adoption or take them to institutions. And the
cycle repeats again. For many orphans it is a vicious cycle they must suffer
for not growing up in homes. However,
there are some success stories, but they are rare.
What stood out the most in the government data presented
was the comparison of suicidal thoughts among the aged-out youth was 50%
compared to a normal youth at 16.3%, thus the aged-out youths were 3 times more
likely to think about suicide.
The Korean government came up with six different areas of support to strengthen the youths from childhood protection to independent living:

Graphical representation of the government's roadmap to support the Aged-Out orphans in the future.
Source: Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare
1) Increase the rights of the protected youths to stay in institutions up to the age 24 (instead of being forced out at 18) but make this voluntary as some youths may opt out earlier to live by themselves.
2) Become Companion by establishing Self-Reliance Support Center throughout Korea where the youths can turn to for help or assistance.
3) Strengthen the Pillar of Independent Living by ensuring adequate income and residential assistance. This is done by increasing the funds for aging-out orphans as follows:
Emancipation funds to increase from a typical
$5,000 per youth to $10,000.
Steppingstone Bank Account for each outside donations
made in a child’s name will be matched 2:1. For example if a child receives an
outside donation of $100 per month, the government will kick in additional 200%,
thus resulting in $300 each child per month.
If a child admitted into an institution as an infant and stays for 24
years, the child will have $300 x 12 months x 24 years = $86,400 by the time
the person is emancipated.
In addition to this generous program, once a
youth is emancipated, he/she will get increase in the government support from
three years to five years. For instance,
the typical government support at $300 per month for five years will amount to
additional $18,000 by the time the youth turn 27.
Housing Support – While this is not completely
free, the housing support makes it very favorable for the youth to obtain and
live with minimum affordable cost. The housing search will begin 8 months prior
to emancipation and have it available by the time the youth separates.
While each child’s case would be different, it is likely that an
emancipated youth may depart the orphanage with over $100,000 cash with
affordable housing available.
4) Support the gradual transition to future by providing exploration in academic and career opportunities and independent living.
5) Allow peace of mind by providing emotional and psychological support needs.
6) Lay the foundation to support the independent living by establishing needed laws, change the terms related to aged-out youths, and create a better communication channels.
While the announcement by the Korean government is very
welcome, and it is long overdue, and many orphan youths will benefit from this
new program.
However, there are a few areas of concern which must
be addressed now or later as the program progresses.
1. The critical area of support is needed in youth
mentoring as these youths have grown up since their childhood to adults without
much personal guidance or individual care.
The emancipated orphans, even with abundance of funds and housing
available, they are still living alone and need to turn to someone for
2. The other critical area is the need for the
youths to be properly trained and guided so that they can find appropriate jobs
and hold onto them for long time. This
one is a challenge as many youths that began new jobs have often quit very
easily or simply not show up to work with no prior notice. The same is true of academics even when they
are given the opportunities to get educated.
It is all too often among the orphan youths to quit their school without
graduating. They are simply not
motivated to study or stimulated as they have no family members. The biggest challenge is not in providing
them with enough financial support, but helping them to be more responsible and
know early on what is right from wrong.
3. If an orphan is emancipated with a housing and
with such a large sum of money at hand, why would he/she be motivated to look
for a job? Getting an education at 27 is
not very likely. Therefore, a disbursement
structure must be built in on how and under what condition the youth will receive
the money.
4. This program will be a temptation for some cunning biological parents to put their children into orphanages rather than raise them at homes. By putting their children into orphanages, the parents do not have to foot the bills of raising their children. By the time their children age-out of the orphanage system as youths, their children will have large sums of money and housing. I pray no parents will choose to do this. A system must be in place to avoid this type of abuse.
All in all, I believe this announcement by the government is a very welcoming for all the aged-out orphans that have struggled for years to survive. At least their fear of being alone in the world with no support will be lessened. And that they will have more time to prepare to get educated and be prepared and trained to find jobs and stay on will truly help them to be independent. If some type of systems can be put in place to avoid the pitfalls and abuses, the program can really work. I believe this is a great start but a work in progress. But most of all, this will be a path forward for all the emancipated orphans on the way to becoming successful and productive citizens in the community.