Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Some Changes Happening in the Family Court

Since the news from the Family Court in Korea is a public knowledge, I feel now I can share this news even though I knew of the change two months ago. 

As of February 23, 2015, the Family Court has changed the reduction in the number of judges presiding the adoption cases from four to two.  However, the catch is that the two judges will now focus on the adoption cases while paying less focus on the other civil matters related to family issues.

Prior to this, all four judges were assigned with cases dealing with not only adoptions, but other civil and family matters not related to adoption.  With the two judges, they will focus more on adoption cases while providing much experience and expertise related to adoption.

Now the big question is whether the two judges specializing in adoption cases will now be able to process the cases faster (as they should be more focused on adoption), or slower with the reduction of the number of judges to half.

My guess is that the processing time will neither pick up the speed nor slow down.  There is a big uncertainty as one of the two judges is known to be very thorough with his work and takes longer to process, but I am hoping that he will provide quicker service as he is now more focused on the adoption matters.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Any idea when we should start seeing dates from the 1/27 submission?
